Building on Afghanistan’s Fleeting Ceasefire

International Crisis Group (ICG), 2018
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Medienart Buch
Systematik Internet - Internet
Verlag ICG
Ort Brussels
Jahr 2018
Umfang 29 p.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Reihe Asia Report / ICG
Reihenvermerk 298
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe International Crisis Group (ICG)
Annotation What’s new? The Afghan government, international forces, and Taliban insurgents all observed a temporary ceasefire during the Eid al-Fitr holiday. The truce was unprecedented in Afghanistan’s long war, brought a remarkable decline in violence and prompted scenes of joy across the country, often involving government and Taliban forces celebrating together.

Why does it matter? The truce demonstrated that leaders on both sides exert significant control over their forces, which is important given that neither side had trusted their opponent’s cohesion. The festivities showed the enormous appetite among Afghans, including some combatants, for peace. Both these factors bode well for a future peace process.

What should be done? Washington should empower an envoy to speak to the Taliban and clarify that U.S. troops could leave Afghanistan were the movement and the Afghan government to sign a peace deal broadly acceptable in Afghan society. Taliban leaders should drop their refusal to talk to the Afghan government and engage Kabul.
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