The Case for Kaesong: Fostering Korean Peace through Economic Ties

International Crisis Group (ICG), 2019
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Medienart Buch
Systematik Internet - Internet
Verlag ICG
Ort Brussels
Jahr 2019
Umfang 39 p.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Reihe Asia Report / ICG
Reihenvermerk 300
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe International Crisis Group (ICG)
What's new??In 2016, South Korea shuttered the Kaesong Industrial Complex, breaking a modest but productive connection between the two Koreas. Crisis Group's analysis sheds new light on the economic performance of firms operating at the Complex, demonstrating that the benefits for the South were greater than previously understood.
Why does it matter??Beyond helping restart the stalled peace process, a deal to reopen the Complex in exchange for a proportionate step toward denuclearisation by North Korea could produce mutual economic benefits that help sustain South Korean support for talks and encourage Pyongyang's commitment to peaceful relations.
What should be done??As part of any deal to reopen the Complex, Seoul and Pyongyang should take steps to address problems that previously kept it from reaching its potential. The more efficiently, profitably and fairly it works, the better the Complex can help foster and maintain stable peaceful relations between the Koreas.

The Kaesong Industrial Complex was the most successful joint economic initiative launched by North and South Korea during the South’s pro-rapprochement “sunshine policy” era (1998-2008). As this report shows, this inter-Korean manufacturing zone, which operated from December 2004 to February 2016, was more economically beneficial, in particular for the South, than was recognised at the time. Reopening Kaesong as part of a package of mutual steps – including proportionate North Korean measures to circumscribe nuclear and missile capabilities – could therefore have multiple benefits. Not only might it generate badly needed momentum for stalled peace talks, but it also could begin bringing the economies of North and South closer, serving as an ongoing reminder to key constituencies in both countries of the benefits of building a sustainable peace on the peninsula.
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