From protectorate to statehood : self-determination v. territorial integrity in the case of Kosovo and the position of the European Union

Köck, Heribert Franz, 2009
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Exemplare gesamt 1
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Medienart Buch
ISBN 978-3-7083-0589-9
Verfasser Köck, Heribert Franz Wikipedia
Verfasser Horn, Daniela Wikipedia
Verfasser Leidenmühler, Franz Wikipedia
Systematik MSP - MilitärSicherheitsPolitik
Schlagworte conflict, regional, kosovo, independence, international law, sovereignty, european union - eu, self-determination, territorial integrity
Verlag Neuer wissenschaftlicher Verlag (NWV) [u.a.]
Ort Wien [u.a.]
Jahr 2009
Umfang 287 p. 
Altersbeschränkung keine
Reihe Neue juristische Monografien
Reihenvermerk 56
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe Heribert Franz Köck ; Daniela Horn ; Franz Leidenmühler
Annotation Angaben aus der Verlagsmeldung:
Kosovo represents, in a nutshell, the problems created in the Balkans by past history and modern power politics. Former Yugoslavia was exemplary for an artificial State where even the division into five republics and two autonomous provinces did not satisfy the divergent aspirations of the respective nations and ethnic groups; it disintegrated as soon as communist ideology and Serb-dominated armed forces ceased to exist as a common bond. This faced the international community and its legal order with an enormous challenge.
This book explores the question of how to reconcile the principle of territorial integrity of States with legitimate claims for secession in exercising the right of self-determination in general. Subsequently it focuses in detail on the special case of Kosovo, comparing the meanwhile successful independence process with the Abkhazian and Southern Ossetian matters.
Beyond that the book examines the legal and political challenges for the European Union’s commitment to the Kosovo under its Common Foreign and Security Policy.
Exemplare Standort
54856 WP, 4969


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