Balancing by cross-linking : Renewed dialogue on the OSCE economic and environmental dimension

Evers, Frank, 2010
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Medienart Buch
Verfasser Evers, Frank Wikipedia
Systematik Internet - Internet
Verlag CORE
Ort Hamburg
Jahr 2010
Umfang 28 p.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Reihe Core Working Paper
Reihenvermerk 21
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe Frank Evers
Annotation Executive Summary
This paper aims to contribute to current thinking
about the future orientation of the OSCE
Economic and Environmental Dimension (EED). It
recapitulates the course taken by second-dimension
talks since the reform discussions of 2005/06 and
re ects current debates within the Corfu Process and
the OSCE Economic and Environmental Committee.
It considers relevant documents adopted by the
OSCE since Maastricht 2003 and tries to summarize
national positions and the views of OSCE experts
at headquarters and in the eld. The paper takes up
earlier research performed by CORE and published
as \Building Co-operation between OSCE Field
Missions and Partner Institutions in the Economic
and Environmental Dimension" (Working Paper
11, 2002). It summarises interviews conducted
with some three dozen OSCE representatives and
members of national delegations to the OSCE in
Vienna in May and June 2010.
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