From Reaction to Action - Europe's Asylum and Migration Policy at the Crossroad

Böhnke, Olaf, 2015
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Medienart Buch
Verfasser Böhnke, Olaf Wikipedia
Verfasser Darius, Reinhardt Wikipedia
Systematik Internet - Internet
Verlag ÖGfE
Ort Wien
Jahr 2015
Umfang 8 S.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Reihe ÖGfE Policy Brief
Reihenvermerk 22
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe Olaf Böhnke ; Reinhardt Darius
Annotation The numbers of people dying on their way to Europe has increased over the past decade. The EU has been unable to step up a comprehensive strategy how to deal with the situation. So far EU-member states often only agreed to security-oriented means such as strengthening of border control or fighting human trafficking with military capabilities. The EU needs to open the scope of analysis and carefully manage a cross-cutting approach between a wide range of policy areas involved. In this Policy Brief we argue that the EU needs to focus especially on three issues: Securing lives in the Mediterranean Sea, establishing legal ways for immigration to Europe and fostering cross-cutting efforts in dealing with the topic.

Policy Recommendations:
1.Securing human lives at sea as the top priority of a joint humanitarian search and rescue operation.
2.Introducing legal ways for migration and asylum in Europe.
3.Emancipating from merely spontaneous reaction-based security approaches towards sustainable action addressing the real causes of immigration.
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