Zimbabwe: Stranded in Stasis

International Crisis Group (ICG), 2016
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Medienart Buch
Systematik Internet - Internet
Schlagworte zimbabwe
Verlag ICG
Ort Brussels
Jahr 2016
Umfang 20 p.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Reihe Africa Briefing / International Crisis Group
Reihenvermerk 118
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe International Crisis Group (ICG)
Annotation Zimbabwe is floundering, with little sign of meaningful reform and sustainable, broad-based recovery. Political uncertainty and economic insecurity have worsened; the Zimbabwe African National Union - Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) government has consolidated power, as the opposition stumbles, but is consumed by struggles over who will succeed President Robert Mugabe. Upbeat economic projections by international institutions are predicated on government rhetoric about new policy commitments and belief in the country's potential, but there are growing doubts that ZANU-PF can "walk the talk" of reform. Conditions are likely to deteriorate further due to insolvency, drought and growing food insecurity. Economic constraints have forced Harare to deal with international financial institutions (IFIs) and Western capitals, but to regain the trust of donors, private investors and ordinary citizens, the government must become more accountable, articulate a coherent vision and take actions that go beyond personal, factional and party aggrandisement.
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Anhang URL: http://www.crisisgroup.org/~/media/Files/africa/southern-africa/zimbabwe/b118-zimbabwe-stranded-in-stasis.pdf


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