Conflict sensitivity taking it to the next level

Conflict sensitivity taking it to the next level, 2016
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Medienart Buch
ISBN 978-3-906841-00-7
Beteiligte Personen Abitbol, Eric [Ed.] Wikipedia
Beteiligte Personen Alluri, Rina [Ed.] Wikipedia
Beteiligte Personen Handschin, Sabina [Ed.] Wikipedia
Systematik Dok - Dok
Schlagworte peacebuilding, conflict sensitivity, fragile state, conflict sensitive business practiice, new deal for engagement in fragile states
Verlag Swisspeace
Ort Bern
Jahr 2016
Umfang 106 p.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Reihe working paper / Swiss Peace
Reihenvermerk 2
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe ed. by Sabina Handschin ; Eric Abitbol ; Rina Alluri
Annotation 1 Critical Reflections 06
Conflict Sensitivity - 20 Years of Practice: A Critical Reflection
Thania Paffenholz 06
The Institutionalization of Conflict Sensitivity: an Organizational Change Management Process
Sabina Handschin 11
Bridging Rhetoric and Reality on Commitments to Conflict Sensitivity
Matthew Scott 19
Taking Gender Seriously in Conflict Sensitivity
Marieke Fröhlich 25
2 Policy Debates 31
2 .1
Conflict Sensitivity and the New Deal: A Conflict of Interest?
Dominik Balthasar and Christian Scherer 31
Putting Conflict Sensitive Development into DFID's Practice:
A Personal Perspective
Mark Segal 36
Conflict Sensitivity and Business 42
The Business of Conflict Sensitivity
Andreas Graf, Andrea Iff, Rina Alluri 42
From ‘Business as Usual’ to ‘Business for Peace’?:
Where do we Stand and What Will it Take?
Anette Hoffmann 51
Engaging Chinese Companies in Conflict-Sensitive Business Practice
Hesta Groenewald 58
Multinational Companies, Conflict Sensitivity and Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC): The Case of Poligrow in Colombia
Mark van Dorp and Karlijn Kuijpers
4 Conflict sensitivity as a Vector for Peacebuilding Across Sectors 73
Breaking the Silos: Conflict Sensitivity as an Opportunity to Overcome Silo-Thinking
Sidonia Gabriel 73
Applying Conflict Sensitivity to Security and Justice Programming
Rachel Goldwyn 81
Monitoring and Evaluation of Conflict Sensitivity: Practical Considerations
Kiely Barnard-Webster, Nicole Goddard and Isabella Jean 88
About the Authors and Editors 96
About swisspeace 100
Exemplare Standort
6820 Dok
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