Niger and Boko Haram: Beyond Counter-insurgency

International Crisis Group (ICG), 2017
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Medienart Buch
Systematik Internet - Internet
Verlag ICG
Ort Brussels
Jahr 2017
Umfang 39 p.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Reihe Rapport Afrique
Reihenvermerk 245
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe International Crisis Group (ICG)
Annotation For the last two years, Niger has been at war with Boko Haram. The conflict has disrupted this poor country’s development, especially public finances, and destabilised the south east, the main scene of armed clashes. In this region, located some 1,350km from the capital and faced with an economic collapse, the battle against Boko Haram has stoked up local intercommunal tensions and exacerbated violence over access to resources. Despite direct support from Chadian troops since 2015 and improved collaboration with the Nigerian army, Nigerien forces have been unable to put a stop to attacks by insurgents, some of whom have links to the Islamic State (IS). The military option has produced results but has also shown its limits. The war effort must be accompanied by an approach that would allow demobilisation of the movement’s militants and promote a political solution to the tensions that have stimulated its local spread. The government must also prioritise economic revival and public service provision to bring relief to an exhausted population, whose suffering fuels the insurrection.
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