What if....? Scanning the horizon: 12 scenarios for 2021

Gaub, Florence, 2019
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Medienart Buch
ISBN 978-92-9198-770-2
Verfasser Gaub, Florence Wikipedia
Systematik Internet - Internet
Schlagworte foreign policy, eastern europe, africa, asia, european union - eu, global governance, mena, western balkans, strategic foresight, eussia, security and defence
Verlag EU Institute for Security Studies (ISS)
Ort Paris
Jahr 2019
Umfang 74 p.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Reihe Chaillot Papers
Reihenvermerk 150
Sprache deutsch
Verfasserangabe Florence Gaub
Annotation With contributions from

Marko Ceperkovic, Giovanni Faleg, Daniel Fiott, Florence Gaub, Gustav Lindstrom, Roderick Parkes, Annelies Pauwels, Patryk Pawlak, Eva Pejsova, Stanislav Secrieru, Nathalie Van Raemdonck, John-Joseph Wilkins

Foresight is about choice, decision and action – and not, as is repeated time and again, predicting the future and getting it wrong.

This Chaillot Paper aims to alert decision-makers to potential developments with significant strategic impact while they can still prepare for, or even avoid them. This is done using two methods combined: horizon-scanning as well as single scenario-building. Taken together, they produce plausible events set in 2021 – with strategic ramifications well beyond that. All 12 scenarios in this Chaillot Paper reflect the expertise and imagination of the researchers who wrote them: some explore potential conflicts, while others look at disruptive political developments, or indeed at crises with significant ramifications.

That said, all are designed in the hope of drawing attention to foreign and security policy aspects which are potentially overlooked, and all are extrapolated
Ex.nr. Standort
31296 Internet
Anhang URL: https://www.iss.europa.eu/sites/default/files/EUISSFiles/CP_150_What%20If.pdf


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