Reversing Israel's Deepening Annexation of Occupied East Jerusalem

International Crisis Group (ICG), 2019
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Medienart Buch
Systematik Internet - Internet
Verlag ICG
Ort Brussels
Jahr 2019
Umfang 46 p.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Reihe Middle East Report / ICG
Reihenvermerk 202
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe International Crisis Group (ICG)


Reversing Israel's Deepening Annexation of Occupied East Jerusalem

What's new??Israel is advancing new policies to entrench its de facto annexation of most of occupied East Jerusalem. Moreover, depending on what coalition government emerges from forthcoming parliamentary elections, it could shunt the city's Palestinian areas lying east of the separation barrier into disconnected Israeli administrative units outside the municipality's jurisdiction.

Why did it happen??Israeli decision-makers are concerned that Jerusalem will soon have a non-Jewish majority. The Netanyahu government has conceded that its neglect of East Jerusalem has failed to induce Palestinians to leave. Instead, neglect has bred crime and violence, and created numerous lawless areas, particularly east of the barrier.

Why does it matter??Israel's plans - removing from the municipality certain Palestinian areas outside the barrier, cataloguing all occupied East Jerusalem lands in the Israel Lands Registry and inducing Palestinian schools in East Jerusalem to adopt Israeli curricula - would exacerbate the conflict in and over Jerusalem.

What should be done??Palestinians, Israelis and allies of both leaderships should press the Israeli government not to carry out these plans. If it wants to reduce poverty and crime in East Jerusalem, Israel should allow Palestinians to establish civic leadership bodies in the city and end its ban on Palestinian Authority activities there.

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