"Undeclared wars" : Exploring a peacebuilding approach to armed social violence

"Undeclared wars", 2016
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Medienart Buch
ISBN 978-3-941514-21-8
Beteiligte Personen Unger, Barbara [Ed.] Wikipedia
Beteiligte Personen Dudouet, Veronique [Ed.] Wikipedia
Beteiligte Personen Austin, Beatrix [Ed.] Wikipedia
Beteiligte Personen Dressler, Matteo [Ed.] Wikipedia
Systematik FS - Friedensstudien
Schlagworte intervention, violence, peacebuilding, organized crime, definitions, state formation, armed social violence, urban violence
Verlag Berghof Conflict Research
Ort Berlin
Jahr 2016
Umfang 92 p.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Reihe Berghof Handbook Dialogue Series
Reihenvermerk 12
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe ed. by Barbara Unger ; Veronique Dudouet ; Matteo Dressler ; Beatrix Austin
Annotation There is a growing awareness today that the nature of violence around the world is changing. A milestone in this assessment was the World Bank’s 2011 World Development Report, which noted that civil war and interstate conflict are becoming less common but that there has been an increase in violence linked to crime, terrorism and civil unrest (World Bank 2011, 1). There has been, on the one hand, a decline in the lethality of conventional, large-scale inter-state wars, especially after the Second World War (Human Security Research Group 2014; Melander/Pettersen/Themnér 2016). This has been, overall, a steady development, despite the current deadly civil wars raging, for example, in Syria (Human Security Research Group 2014,80). On the other hand, there has been growing concern that the death toll associated with “undeclared wars” involving more amorphous and shifting enemies is increasing in a manner that demands attention, and action: “the almost 13,000 deaths from organized crime in Mexico in 2011 were greater than the 2011battle-death tolls in any of the three countries worst affected by armed conflict and violence against civilians between 2006 and 2011 – Afghanistan, Iraq, and Sudan” (Human Security Research Group 2014, 52). Also in the past decade, the rise of ‘extremist’ violence by non-state and especially Islamist actors (Melander/Petterson/Themnér 2016, 731ff.; IEP 2016, 28/29) has given further cause for concern that the “better angels of our nature”, to quote the title of the seminal book by Steven Pinker (2011), might be fighting a losing battle.

This twelfth issue of the Berghof Handbook Dialogue Series is therefore dedicated to better understanding what we call “armed social violence” (often also characterised as “non-conventional” or “non-conflict” violence). Which tasks, opportunities and dilemmas does this new global landscape of violence pose for the field of conflict transformation and peacebuilding, in comparison with the fields of security and development? We are aiming to shed some light on the forms, factors (i.e. sometimes “invisible” or remote influential aspects), force fields and actors of such violence, as well as on their connection to the “conventional” field of peacebuilding. We are setting out to explore the challenges such forms, factors and actors of violence pose for building peaceful societies and the efforts that have been made to date to deal with the phenomenon through constructive, comprehensive and/or holistic approaches. It is a dialogue issue which, by the nature of its subject, draws on and addresses a multitude of fields, levels and actors: from the local peacebuilder to the international policy-maker, from the development practitioner to the political analyst, from the Global South to the Global North. (Introduction)

n some countries, more civilians are being killed by armed gangs and criminal organisations than in traditional combat. Still, these pockets of armed social violence – "undeclared wars" marked, among other things, by criminal, gang and/or urban violence – have long received much less attention than politically motivated forms of armed conflicts. As their effects — social-political destabilisation, in some cases coinciding with high numbers of victims — are becoming more pressing, national and international actors have begun addressing the phenomenon. This dialogue examines this phenomenon. It points out the added value that peacebuilding can bring to the development of effective policy responses to armed social violence. Case studies explored include Colombia, El Salvador, Syria, Myanmar, Guinea-Bissau, Timor Leste, the UK and Mexico.
Ex.nr. Standort
3298 FS, 2992
Anhang URL: http://www.berghof-foundation.org/fileadmin/redaktion/Publications/Handbook/Dialogues/dialogue12_armedsocialviolence_complete.pdf


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