Emotional Dynamics in Conflict and Conflict Transformation

Bramsen, Isabel, 2018
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Medienart Buch
Verfasser Bramsen, Isabel Wikipedia
Verfasser Poder, Poul Wikipedia
Systematik Internet - Internet
Schlagworte peacebuilding, conflict transformation, emotion, conflict escalation
Verlag Berghof Foundation
Ort Berlin
Jahr 2018
Umfang 19 p.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe Isabel Bramsen ; Poul Poder. Berghof Foundation
Annotation Emotions are an essential part of conflict and conflict transformation, both for analytical and practical purposes. Appreciating the role emotional dynamics play in conflicts more thoroughly expands our understanding of conflict, and fosters new opportunities for productive conflict transformation. Our main proposition in this article is to adopt a more ystematic and contextual view on emotions. Acknowledging positive emotions can counterbalance the currently predominant focus on immediate and negative emotions, and open new avenues for conflict research and policy-making. Also, suming a situational perspective on the micro-dynamics of emotions can help us understand what drives actors in conflicts and conflict transformation.
Ex.nr. Standort
44465 Internet
Anhang URL: https://www.berghof-foundation.org/fileadmin/redaktion/Publications/Handbook/Articles/bramsen_poder_handbook.pdf


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