Small states and alliances

Small states and alliances, 2001
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Medienart Buch
ISBN 978-3-7908-1403-3
Beteiligte Personen Gärtner, Heinz [Ed.] Wikipedia
Beteiligte Personen Reiter, Erich [Ed.] Wikipedia
Systematik MSP - MilitärSicherheitsPolitik
Schlagworte security, switzerland, armed conflict, north atlantic treaty organization - nato, austria, slovenia, alliances, finland, small states, denmark, international affairs, osce, defences
Verlag Physica Verlag
Ort Heidelberg
Jahr 2001
Umfang 194 p.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache deutsch
Verfasserangabe Erich Reiter ; Heinz Gärtner
Annotation Summary:
The book focuses on the relations between small states and alliances. It is on why, how and under what conditions states engage in alliances. What are the benefits and costs of alliances? How are the benefits and costs of alliances allocated among their members? What determines who allies with whom? Can small states still pursue their own security interests within an alliance? Can they even become integral part of an alliance? Scholars, practitioners, policy-makers and advisors from several countries discuss these issues. They address historical, empirical and theoretical topics and give policy recommendations.
Table of Contents:
Small States and Alliances Heinz Gärtnerp. 1
Introductory Comments on the Objective of the Small States and Alliances Workshop Erich Reiterp. 11
Minor Powers, Alliances, and Armed Conflict: Some Preliminary Patterns Volker Krause and J. David Singerp. 15
The Concept of Military Alliance Stefan Bergsmannp. 25
Small States and European Security Simon W. Dukep. 39
Gaining Control Christian Tuschhoffp. 51
Engineering Influence: The Subtile Power of Small States in the CSCE/OSCE Micheal W. Mosserp. 63
Small States and International Operations Erwin A. Schmidlp. 85
The Danish Experience. Denmark in NATO, 1949-1999 Svend Aage Christensenp. 89
Small States and Alliances - A Swedish Perspective Gunnar Lassinanttip. 101
Finland, the European Union and NATO - Implications for Security and Defence Kari Möttölap. 113
Small States and Alliances: The Case of Slovenia Anton Grizold and Vinko Vegièp. 145
Switzerland and Europe's Security Architecture: The Rocky Road from Isolation to Cooperation Heiko Borchertp. 161
Austria Heinz Gärtner and Otmar Höll
Exemplare Standort
22348 MSP, 2199


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