International Social Science Journal 183 / 2005, 57. Jg. : affirmative action

International Social Science Journal 183 / 2005, 5, 2005
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Medienart Zeitschrift
ISBN 0020-8701
Systematik Dok - Dok
Schlagworte united states, ethnicity, race, discrimination, measurement
Verlag Blackwell Publishing
Ort Oxford [u.a.]
Jahr 2005
Umfang 195 p.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Heft 183
Jahrgang 57
Zählung 183 / 2005, 57. Jg.
Sprache englisch
Begleitmaterial incl. Newsletter
Exemplare Standort
42847 Dok
Unselbstständige Werke Simon, Patrick - The measurement of racial discrimination: the policy use of statistics
Potvin, Maryse - The role of statistics on ethnic origin and "race" in Canadian anti-discrimination policy
Stavo-Debauge, Joan - Mobilising statistical powers for action against discrimination: the case of Unted Kingdom
Morning, Anne - From sword to plowshare: using race for discrimination and antidiscrimination in the United States
Guiraudon, Virginie - Monitoring ethnic minorities in the Netherlands
Schor, Paul - Mobilising for pure prestige?
Fredrickson, George M. - Mulattoes and metis
Bessonne, Magali - Building American citizenship: a matter of rights or races?
Wacquant, Loic J. D. - Race as civic felony
Mignot, Jean-Francois - Radical redistricting in the United States: an introduction to Supreme Court case law
Zwart, Frank de - Targeted policy in multicultural societies: accomodation, denial, and replacement
Calves, Gewnaele - "Reflecting the diversity of the French population": birth and development of a fuzzy concept


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