Europe's World 2008 / 08 : the only Europe-wide policy journal

Europe's World 2008 / 08,
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Medienart Zeitschrift
ISBN 1782-0642
Systematik Dok - Dok
Schlagworte europe, developing countries, financial market
Verlag Friends of Europe
Ort Brussels
Umfang 216 p.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Exemplare Standort
48685 Dok
Anhang URL: abgefragt am 13.03.2008
Unselbstständige Werke Rasmussen, Anders Fogh - Europe’s chance to become a global climate champion
Rotfeld, Adam Daniel - How Europe is starting to set global rules
Leonard, Mark - A five-point strategy for five-point strategy for
Podobnik, Janez - Slovenia takes to the world stage as EU President for the first time
Andréani, Jacques - The reasons Europe has so disappointed Putin’s Russia
Goldthau, Andreas - Russia’s energy weapon is a fiction
Yurgens, Igor - Forget politics
Secchi, Carlo - Latin America is Europe’s next big missed business opportunity
Brenner, Michael - While America electioneers, Europe has a Middle East role tp play
Tsoukalis, Loukas - European foreign policy begins with the neighbours
Hannay, David - The case for urgently re-starting talks on Cyprus
Colling, Francois - Why the EU may never get its accounts straight
Daul, Joseph - "It is unacceptable that one-fifth of the world lives in extreme poverty
Petritsch, Wolfgang - The EU must speed-up its Western Balkans enlargement
Almond, Mark - Why Turkey may turn its back on Europe
Bobinski, Krzysztof - The dangers to the EU of condemning Ukraine and Belarus to political limbo
Unckel, Per - Europe badly needs a Nordic-style “knowledge policy”
Macedonia wins more international high-tech invest - Macedonia wins more international high-tech investment
Laffineur, Marc - Finding a new EU budget won't be easy
Isakson, Henrik - It’s time Europe stopped crying “foul” to justify its protectionism
Clesse, Armand - This enlargement mess
Langenhove, Luk van - Power to the regions, but not yet farewell to the nation state
Europe’s bumpy road to a single financial marketpl - Europe’s bumpy road to a single financial marketplace
Rasmussen, Poul Nyrup - Taming the private equity fund “locusts”
Noyer, Christian - How the EU is banking on decentralisation
Véron, Nicolas - Credit crunch pushes cross-border watchdogs high on EU agenda
Pohjola, Markku - We’ve got to do something about Europe’s crazy patchwork of bank supervisors
Martiniére, Gérard de la - Pitfalls that Europe’s booming insurance industry must sidestep
Weber, Manfred - What Europe’s future financial marketplace will look like
Glasser, Robert - Why we need to look hard at the NGOs’ flaws
Stubb, Alexander - Regulating Brussels’ legion of lobbyists
Marthoz, Jean-Paul - Bush's legacy will be NGOs with a truly global vision
Delapalme, Nathalie - Developing a new Euro-Africa partnership


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