Europe's world 2009 / 12 : Overcoming the crisis

Europe's world 2009 / 12,
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Medienart Zeitschrift
ISBN 1782-0642
Beteiligte Personen Merritt, Giles [Ed.] Wikipedia
Systematik Dok - Dok
Verlag Friends of Europe
Ort Brussels
Umfang 184 p.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Verfasserangabe Giles Merritt
Sprache englisch
Exemplare Standort
52230 Dok
Unselbstständige Werke Quinlan, Joseph - The transatlantic economy really is "too big to fail"
Men, Jing - East Asia
Putten, Frans-Paul van der - Time for Europa to take a long, hard look at its global decline
Howell, David - The microchip is changing the face of foreign policy
Karaganov, Sergei - How to draw a line under the Cold War
Weafer, Christopher - Why EU-Russia frictions look set to end
Sikorski, Radoslaw - The EU's "Eastern Partnership" is key to relations with Russia
Brzoska, Michael - We've neglected arms control at our peril
Bertram, Christoph - Europe must wholeheartedly back Obama's initiative on Iran
Islam, Shada - Blueprint for an EU role in Obama's "AfPak" strategy
Martnes, Wilfried - Now we must apply the lessons of the European elections
Ganley, Declan - We want pan-european politics, not a bureaucratic and undemocratic EU
Potocnik, Janez - The economic crisis is also an opportunity for the EU's science strategy
Issing, Otmar - Why a common eurozone bond isn't such a good idea
Seilliere, Ernest-Antoine - A crisis-busting plan from Europe's boardrooms
Mirow, Thomas - Support for EU's newcomers will be crucial to recovery
Bäckström, Urban - Sweden's lessons for managing the crisis
Eichengreen, Barry - Financial re-regulation, yes. But Europ's cacophony of ideas is counter-productive
Hedegaard, Connie - Why Europe's lead will be crucial to Copenhagen's success
Eizenstat, Stuart - What Europe needs to know about Obama's climate change options
Birol, Faith - The time has come for a world energy revolution
Tibaijuka, Anna - Here's how we can live with a global population of 9 bn
Alexander, Douglas - Global recovery means development policy must top the international agenda
Stetter, Ernst - Five reasons why Africa really matters the world
bin Talal, Prince El Hassan - Policy options for modernising the Middle East's industrial base
Ben Ami, Shlomo - Why democracy in the Arab World is a two-edged sword
Pace, Roderick - The mediterranean Union risks being stillborn
Otte, Marc - Europe has a central role to play in the middle east


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