Europe's World 2009 / 13 : the only Europe-wide policy journal

Europe's World 2009 / 13,
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Medienart Zeitschrift
ISBN 1782-0642
Beteiligte Personen Merritt, Giles [Ed.] Wikipedia
Systematik Dok - Dok
Schlagworte security, environment, middle east, european union - eu, global governance, neighbourhood policy, regional power
Verlag Friends of Europe
Ort Brussels
Umfang 184 p.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Verfasserangabe Giles Merritt
Sprache englisch
Exemplare Standort
53003 Dok
Anhang URL:
Unselbstständige Werke Kwasniewski, Aleksander - Yes, the EU has a world view; perhaps too many
Diamantopoulou, Anna - Let's use this crisis to re-think global governance
Trenin, Dmitri - So far purely economic, G20 could one day cover security too
Padoan, Pier Carlo - A global formula for tackling the global crises
Smaghi, Lorenzo Bini - Why global rules to prevent another crisis are so elusive
Weidenfeld, Werner - In spite of Europe's Obamania, the transatlantic relationship remains tricky
Grand, Camille - Sarkozy's three-way NATO bet
Lindley-French, Julian - Stabilisation and reconstruction: Europe's chance to shed its junior partner status
Perrin de Brichambaut, Marc - It's time the EU stopped undermining the OSCE
Gowan, Richard - Now the EU should get serious in Iraq
Howorth, Jolyon - What Europe badly needs is a Grand Strategy
Wijk, Rob de - The consequences for Europe of the global crisis
Sarris, Michalis - The bitter medicine policymakers must prescribe for Europe's economic ills
Hoogervorst, Hans - Europe's reform on financial supervision is headed in the right direction
Witney, Nick - Europe: Nice location, shame about neighbours
Schily, Otto - If the EU reneges on Balkan enlargement, it's at its own peril
Terron, Anna - Getting the regions' Brussels role right is the key to EU credibility
Booth, Stephen - Lifebelt for a Europe that' drowning in new regulations
Tannock, Charles - Why our new party is not eurosceptic but euro-realist
McGlade, Jacqueline - Greening the brown economy
Stigson, Björn - Not it's the business world that is urging climate realism
Martin, William - Energy security: the steps Europe now needs to take
Ibrahim, Mo - Africa doesn't need rescuing, just a square deal
Messner, Dirk - Together, recession and climate change mark the end of an era
Bauchard, Denis - Europe's role in averting a Middle East tragedy
Eran, Oded - Why Europe and Israel need to bury the hatchet
Tell, Nawaf - We must not squander this historic opportunity for a peace deal
Salem, Paul - Aid for education is our best weapon against militant Islam
Youngs, Richard - Now the EU is mishandling its No1 energy source
Sillars, Jim - A way to end the deadlock on the stalled EU-GCC trade pact
Larrabee, Stephen - How Turkey is re-discovering its Middle East role
Archer, Toby - Helsinki - eurosceptics still a threat in recession-proof Finland
Gogolashvili, Kakha - Tbilisi - Saakashvili survives the political heat in post-war Georgia
Hirsch, Mario - Luxembourg - How Luxembourg's rearguard defence of banking secrecy
Inotai, András - Budapest - Second-class status is the ghost that haunts central and eastern Europe


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