Overcoming armed violence in a complex world : essays in honour of Herbert Wulf

Overcoming armed violence in a complex world, 2009
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Exemplare gesamt 1
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Medienart Buch
ISBN 978-3-940755-33-9
Beteiligte Personen Brzoska, Michael [Ed.] Wikipedia
Beteiligte Personen Krohn, Axel [Ed.] Wikipedia
Systematik MSP - MilitärSicherheitsPolitik
Schlagworte disarmament, security policy, demilitarization, peacebuilding, violence prevention, security sector reform - ssr
Verlag Budrich Uni Press Ltd
Ort Leverkusen
Jahr 2009
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe Michael Brzoska ; Axel Krohn
Illustrationsang graf. Darst.
Annotation Contents:
Abbreviations and Acronyms.
Michael Brzoska and Axel Krolm, Introduction 11
Part 1 : From the Military to the Civilian
Klaus Mehrens and Peter IVilke, Swords to Ploughshares: Perspectives for the European Defence Industry - Do We Need a New Discussion on Defence Conversion? 31
Corinna Hauswedell, Small Arms, Bigger Issues: Lessons from the Case of Decommissioning Paramilitary Weapons in Northern Ireland 51
Kees Kingma, From Conversion to Peacebuilding: A Reassessment of Demobilization and Reinteeration in Africa 65
Part 2: The Winding Road: Building Institutions for the Containment of Violence
Edward J. Laurance, Managing the Tools of War and Violence:
Global Governance or State-centric Realpolitik? 81
Peter Batchelor, Beyond Disarmament: Small Arms,
Armed Violence and Development 101
Heiner Hänggi, Security Sector Reform in Post-Conflict Settings: Concepts, Policy and Practice 119
Andreas Heinemann-Grüder, Multi-ethnic Federations:
Integrative or Pretext for Secession? 143
Part 3: Challenges of and for Security Governance
Tobias Debiel and Daniel Lambach, Global Governance as Self-deception: How the Western State-building Project Neglects Local Politics 163
Keith Krause, War, Violence and the State 185
Volker Böge, Challenging the Weberian Concept of the State:
Lessons Learned from a Far-away South Sea Island 205
Lothar Brock, Protecting People: Responsibility or Threat? 223
Jayantha Dhanapala, Arctic Security Governance: A Multilateral Perspective 243
Adam Daniel Rotfeld, Where is the World Heading? What Determines Change in the International System9 261
About the Authors 283
Ex.nr. Standort
53771 MSP, 3525


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