Europe's world 2011 / 18 : the only Europe-wide policy journal

Europe's world 2011 / 18,
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Medienart Zeitschrift
ISBN 1782-0642
Beteiligte Personen Merritt, Giles [Ed.] Wikipedia
Systematik Dok - Dok
Schlagworte revolutions, arab countries
Verlag Friends of Europe
Ort Brussels
Umfang 144 p.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Verfasserangabe ed. by Giles Merritt
Sprache englisch
Exemplare Standort
57331 Dok
Unselbstständige Werke Väyrynen, Paavo - With Doha dead, the EU must define a bi-lateral trade strategy
Mahbubani, Kishore - The lessons that smug Europe should learn from Asia
Haekkerup, Hans - A checklist for Europe in Asia
Prestowitz, Clyde - Europe is not so much sidelined as playing a different game to the Asians
Ischinger, Wolfgang - Libya could be a catalyst for Europe's security policy
Ülgen, Sinan - How Turkey wants to reshape NATO
Maystadt, Philippe - The myths that Europe's policymakers must forget
Juncker, Jean-Claude - The eurozone enters adulthood
Bishop, Graham - Three scenarios for the unfolding eurozone crisis
Verhofstadt, Guy - The economic governance that the EU needs
Flassbeck, Heiner - Eurozone pointers to a new global monetary system
Backer, Willy De - Resource scarcity will define the 21st century
Weizsäcker, Ernst Ulrich von - How Europe should tackle its resource constraints
Fischler, Franz - A plan to banish starvation
Maxwell, Simon - Why the EU's aid effort must escape the budgetary axe
Frattini, Franco - A Marshall Plan for the Arab world
Palacio, Ana - Time the EU got its act together on the Arab spring
Talal, El Hassan Bin - The Arab spring could be a springboard for economic partnerships
Guigou, Elisabeth - A genuine Euro-Med region could be the EU's bridge to Africa
Saidi, Nasser - How Europe should douse the Arab firestorm
Koch, Christian - The Arab spring is a real opportunity for Europe
Árabe, Casa - The power of IT as a new instrument for democracy in Arab countries
Alexandrova-Arbatova, Nadia - Hard truths are now redefining Russia-EU relations
Bale, Tim - Saying 'No' to the eurozone is always popular in Britain
Bátora, Jozef - Slovakia's bid to export democracy to troubled eastern neighbours
Ulmer, Carole - The euro-plus pact could be a feature of France's presidential election
Nicolescu, Agnes - Romanian MPs push for a greater post-Lisbon EU role


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