Apsenia international

Apsenia international, 2020
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Medienart Buch
ISBN 978-88-324-9676-5
Systematik MSP - MilitärSicherheitsPolitik
Schlagworte revolution, geopolitics, pandemic preparedness, Covid-19, power sector, new world
Verlag Aspen Institute Italia
Ort Rome
Jahr 2020
Umfang 230 p.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Ex.nr. Standort
8942 MSP, 4221
Unselbstständige Werke Codazzi, Matteo - The pandemic and the power sector
Starace, Francesco - Europe´s energy transition
The Global Comission on the Geopolitics of Energy - A new world
Hulsman, John C. - The shale revolution: past, present, future
Livingston, David - The geopolitics of America´s post-Covid energy landscape
Vallechi, Lorenzo - On stranded natural gas and bitcoin
Schnurer, Eric B. - Waste is a terrible thing to mind
Frank, Robert H. - Individual action matters
Neubauer, Luisa - So what has changed?
Sabella, Guiseppe - Europe´s promise: the green new deal
Rosa, Brunello - Post-Covid recovery: deglobalized and a-synchonous
Broers, Victor - A new social pact for Europeans
Serri, Niccolo - Preserving our lead
Giovannini, Enrico - Building a brighter future
Testa, Chicco - For a low-emission economic recovery
Birol, Faith - Africa: energy for growth
Cader, Masud Z. - Private sector optimism
Piccard, Bertrand - A ray of hope: decentralized renewables to tackle energy poverty
Brown, Patrick O. - Impossible Foods: on climate and cows
Bigelow, Alan; Fox, Mindy; Hughes, Caitlyn - Solar cooking for a sustainable planet
Saidi, Nasser - The case for green new deals in the Gulf
Lesser, Ian O. - Brinkmanship and opportunity in the Eastern Mediterranean
Kupchan, Cliff - The international system: on Covid and Bipolarity
Gang, Fan - The post-Covid Belt and Road
Fang, Jingyun; Yue, Shi; Zaho, Xia; Chapin, F.Stua - Greener in China
Godement, Francois - Fifty shades of sovereignty
Valensise, Marina - The Plague by Albert Camus
La Varra, Giovanni - The Betrothed by Alessandro Manzoni


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