Peaceful settlement of conflict - A task for civil society : "Third party intervention"

Peaceful settlement of conflict - A task for civil, 1995
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Exemplare gesamt 1
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Medienart Buch
ISBN 978-3-8172-0994-1
Beteiligte Personen Merkel, Christine M. Wikipedia
Beteiligte Personen Merkel, Christine M. [Ed.] Wikipedia
Beteiligte Personen Calließ, Jörg Wikipedia
Beteiligte Personen Calließ, Jörg [Ed.] Wikipedia
Systematik FS - Friedensstudien
Schlagworte civil society, conflict intervention, peaceful settlement of disputes, third-party-mediation
Verlag Evangelische Akademie Loccum
Ort Rehburg-Loccum
Jahr 1995
Umfang 540 p.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Reihe Loccumer Protokolle
Reihenvermerk 9
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe Jörg Calließ ; Christine M. Merkel
Exemplare Standort
17387 FS, 1448
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Galtung, Johan - Civic approaches to conflict
Koppe, Karlheinz - Konfliktprävention, Konfliktregelung, Konfliktbeendigung mit nichtmilitärischen Mitteln
Kempf, Wilhelm - Argumentative Konfliktbearbeitung
Bricke, Dieter W. - Thesen zur Entwicklung einer Minderheitspolitik für Osteuropa
Mietzsch, Oliver - Die friedliche Beilegung von Streitigkeiten am Beispiel der KSZE
Atwood, David C. - Nongovernmental conflict intervention: Some observations on two current experiments
Ustinova, Mara - Pioneer experiment of ethnological monitoring in post-Soviet space
Medecins sans Frontieres (MSF) - Project Songe Soutien Aux ong á l'Est
Togrol, Beglan - The socio-psychological issues behind the Bosnian tragedy and some proposals
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Schinkel, Thomas - Der slowenisch-kroatisch-serbische Konflikt im ehemaligen Jugoslawien und die Rolle Dritter Parteien
Jovanovski, Meto - Creating a Third Party in a potentialy conflict situation
Lemaitre, Pierre - A Russia far worse than Yugoslavia
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Bekirov, Nadir - Violent conflict in the Crimea to be prevented (Part II)
Jarman, Peter - The role of the civil society in alleviating the violence in the Caucasus
Rummel-Syska, Zofia - Cross-cultural conflicts in the field of foreign investments in Poland
Miniotaite, Grazina - The Third Party in conflict resolution
Birckenbach, Hanne-Margret - How do Third Parties act?
Akdogan, Argun A. - "White man's burden" revitalized: An eclectic approach to the myth of humanitarian intervention with particular reference to Somalia
Eigenbrod, Jürgen - UN-peace-keeping-mission
Spelten, Angelika - Erfahrungsbericht Ruanda
Paffenholz, Thania - Die Friedensprozesse in Angola und Mosambik
Curle, Adam - New challenges for citizen peacemaking
Galtung, Johan - The role of the "Third Party"
Galtung, Johan - Conflict interventions
Rupesinghe, Kumar - Early warning and preventive diplomacy
Evangelische Akademie Loccum - Aspekte der "Neutralität" bei Drittpartei-Konsultationen in interethnischen Spannungsfeldern
Evangelische Akademie Loccum - Aspects of "neutrality" in the framework of Third-Party-consultations in inter-ethnic disputes
Cohen, Jonathan - Conflict resolution training in the north Caucasus and Georgia
Schweitzer, Christine - On direct nonviolent civilian intervention
Gibson, Daphne - The relevance of mediation to the problems of racism
Truger, Arno - "International civilian peace-keeping and peace-building training program"
Truger, Arno - "International civilian peace-keeping and peace-building training program"
Truger, Arno - The IPT program
Ropers, Norbert - A contribution to mobilizing social agents (NGOs) for the peaceful resolution of conflict in Europe
Ropers, Norbert - KSZE-Stiftung zur Friedensbildung


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