Linking theory to practice: How cognitive psychology informs the collaborative problem-solving process for third parties

Byrne, Sean, 2003
Medienart Zeitschrift
Systematik Dok - Dok
Schlagworte psychology, problem-solving
Jahr 2003
Umfang 29-44
Altersbeschränkung keine
Zählung 2 / 2003, 8. Jg.
Verfasserangabe Sean Byrne
Annotation Psychological and cognitive schemas when making decisions within the problem-solving process influence participant behavior. Cognitive psychology models are applied to Fisher and Ury's method of pricipled negotiation. The potential benefits of cognitive psychology as a means of understanding the cognitive schemata of prolem solving participants are discusses in this article.
Sammelwerk Dieses unselbstständige Werk ist Teil eines Sammelwerkes.
International Journal of Peace Studies 02 / 2003, 8. Jg. (Dok)


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