A war too far : Iraq, Iran and the new american century

Rogers, Paul, 2006
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Medienart Buch
ISBN 978-0-7453-2431-9
Verfasser Rogers, Paul Wikipedia
Systematik MSP - MilitärSicherheitsPolitik
Schlagworte foreign policy, united states, military policy, foreign relations, iran, 2001-, iraq war, 2003-2011, politics and government, war on terrorism, 2001-
Verlag Pluto Press
Ort London
Jahr 2006
Umfang xii, 300 p
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe Paul Rogers
The New American Century viii
The Open Democracy Global Security Series ix
Acknowledgements xi
1. WAR
Introduction 1
The Quicksand of War 2
"A Long or a Short War? 6
"A Change of Strategy? 9
A 30-year War 15
Bitter Reactions 19
Afghan Lessons, Iraqi Futures 25
Introduction 30
Turning Serious 31
Permanent Occupation? 35
Losing the Peace 39
Absence of Control 43
The Iraqi Calculus 47
Power without Authority 52
Introduction 57
The Problems of Occupation 58
The Failures of Success 64
The Growing Insurgency 69
The Nature of Iraqi Resistance 75
Far from Home 79
A Question of Motive 84
Introduction 90
Where are the Weapons? 91
Entrapment 96
A Hard Road 101
The 'War on Terror': Two Years On 106
The Neo-Conservative Lens 116
Iraqi Realities 120
Introduction 126
The Ba'ath Restoration Project 127
After Saddam, No Respite 134
Rethinking War 138
A Week of Violence 143
A Problem of Strategy 150
Between Fallujah and Palestine 156
Introduction 162
Abu Ghraib and its Impact 163
The War for Gulf Oil 167
US Plans for Military Expansion 172
Iraq: Echoes of Vietnam 176
Iraq between Insurgency and Uprising 182
Follow the Oil 189
Introduction 195
Iraq's Spiral of Violence 196
Four More Years for Al-Qaida 200
Fallujah Fallout 204
Dreams and Realities 208
No Direction Home 212
Introduction 218
Iran's Nuclear Politics 219
Tides of Victory 224
Christian Zionists and Neo-cons: a Heavenly
Marriage 227
US Nuclear Plans 232
Iranian Options 236
Confident Iran 241
*It's Oil, Stupid' 245
Introduction 250
A State of Insecurity 251
An Unwinnable War 254
Targeting Iran 259
The London Bombs in the Wider War 264
A Jewel for Al-Qaida's Crown 267
Iran: Consequences of a War 273
Trends 282
Events 284
Determining Factors 286
Prospects 288

Publisher description for A war too far : Iraq, Iran and the new american century / Paul Rogers.

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There are few today who can claim that the US occupation of Iraq has been a success, for Iraq or the US. A War Too Far takes this on by looking back on the many unanswered questions about the invasion itself. What was the real reason for the Iraq War? Did George Bush ever have a strategy to confront al-Qaida in one arena? How does the invasion alter Iraq's relationship with Iran? And what does this mean for the future?

World-renowned security expert Paul Rogers tackles these questions, offering a uniquely insightful analysis of events during and after the war. Examining the delicate balance of power in Iraq, he explores the options for a US exit strategy, and how the invasion affects America's relationship with Iran.

Paul Rogers predicted in 2000 that the US would experience a terrorist attack on its own soil. Subsequent events proved how accurate he was. This book is required reading for students, journalists, policy-makers and anyone interested in getting the whole story about the dangerous consequences of the latest American venture in the Middle East.

Paul Rogers explores:

- The neo-conservative vision of a US-dominated Middle East
- The oil link – Iraq's significance in energy geopolitics
- Links with Israel – the development of close military cooperation between the US and Israeli military
- The growing possibility of a war on Iran and its potential repercussions

Ex.nr. Standort
51169 MSP, 3379


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