Experiments with Peace : Celebrating peace on Johan Galtung's birthday

Experiments with Peace, 2010
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Exemplare gesamt 1
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Medienart Buch
ISBN 978-0-85749-018-6
Beteiligte Personen Jones, John Y. [Ed.] Wikipedia
Beteiligte Personen Johansen, Jörgen [Ed.] Wikipedia
Systematik FS - Friedensstudien
Schlagworte peace, peace research, Galtung, Johan V.
Verlag Pambazuka Press
Ort Oxford
Jahr 2010
Umfang 382 p.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe Jörgen Johansen ; John Y. Jones
Annotation To honour Galtung at 80, this book includes forewords by Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Narayan Desai, along with chapters from other leading contributors in celebration of peace and non-violent struggles for justice and the peaceful resolution of conflict across the world. Born in inter-war Europe on 24 October 1930, Professor Johan Galtung has dedicated his life to the pursuit of peace...
Ex.nr. Standort
54660 FS, 2743
Unselbstständige Werke Johansen, Jörgen - Intoduction
Tutu, Desmond - Forewords
Abrego, Guadelupe - Eradicating Violence
Faldalen, Synove - From Conflict to Dignity - Sabona
Falk, Richard - Nonviolent Geopolitics
Fischer, Dietrich - Learning from Nature
Hamm, Bernd - The Global and the Local
Harang, Alexander - Resistance to Taxation for Military Spending
Heffermehl, Fredrik S. - How Long is the Run for Peace?
Horowitz, Sara - Some Thoughts about Johan Galtung's Teaching and Cooperative Learning Methods
Inayatullah, Sohail - Deconstructing and Reconstructing the Global Financial Crisis
Johansen, Jörgen - Analysing External Support to Nonviolent Revolutions
Jones, John Y. - Obama's Incredible Lightness of Empire
Kent, George - Structural Violence
Koshy, Ninan - Global Terrorism and Global Hegemony
Krieger, David - From Omnicide to Abolition
Lainui, Poka - The Traveller's Guide
London, Jonathan D. - 1989: A Journey with Johan Galtung
Lopez-Reyes, Ramon - Toward Transcendence
Lynch, Jake - Peace Journalism
McCandless, Erin - The UN's Tripartite Peace Architecture amidst Promises and Challenges for Sustaining Peace
Martin, Brian - From Means to Ends and Back Again
Melber, Henning - Nature, Survival and Solidarity
Milojevic, Ivana - From Violent to Peace-Oriented Masculinities
Paige, Glenn D. - Political Leadership, Nonviolence and Love
Ottosen, Rune - Galtung's Theory on Peace Journalism and Norwegian Journalism on Afghanistan
Pathak, Bishnu - Approaches to Peacebuilding in Nepal
Rajan, Vithal - The Destruction of Enemies
Rigby, Andrew - Sport and Conflict Transformation
Satha-Anand, Chaiwat - Difficult Reconciliation?
Schweitzer, Christine - Overcoming War
Scott, Paul D. - The Persistence of Tradition
Setreng, Sigmund Kvaloy - With Johan Galtung to India - on the Road
Udayakumar, S.P. - Kama Sutra and Conflict Sutra
Wallensteen, Peter - An Experiment in Academic Diplomacy
Oberg, Jan - Peace Research and Black Swans


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