Brexit Six Months On: waiting for Godot

Sully, Melanie A., 2016
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Verfasser Sully, Melanie A. Wikipedia
Systematik Internet - Internet
Verlag ÖGfE
Ort Wien
Jahr 2016
Umfang 6 p.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Reihe ÖGfE Policy Brief
Reihenvermerk 32
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe Melanie A. Sully; Österreichische Gesellschaft für Europapolitik - ÖGfE
Annotation Half a year after the referendum on UK membership, little tangible has emerged aside from a flow of platitudes, leaked memos and the odd speech. "Brexit is Brexit" and "out is out" hardly enlighten the millions in the EU wondering how to manage their future. The European Union was taken by surprise and there is little consensus on how to grapple with the post-Brexit era in practice.

The EU conveniently insists on the UK triggering Article 50 before discussing anything. This looks more like an excuse for inaction than a strategy. In future the EU needs to react more decisively to such shake-ups and presently could sketch out a plan for the millions of citizens anxiously waiting for what seems Godot.

Meanwhile as this apparent stalemate threatens to endure, the EU could encourage projects at bilateral level between cities and the regions to maintain links between the United Kingdom and the rest of the European Union. This would help those most pro-European in the UK who feel abandoned by key decision-makers.

Policy Recommendations
1.Post-mortem wake-up calls such as those following Brexit, need action not words. Education plays a key role to engage those citizens most hostile to the EU.
2.Informal talks could proceed between the EU and the UK concentrating on issues affecting citizens. Both the UK and EU politicians have a chance to demonstrate leadership instead of politicking.
3.The EU could promote bilateral projects such as twinning between cities fostering research and cultural understanding to bridge the gap that is emerging between the UK and "EU27". This would ensure continued mobility and support those who are anti-Brexit.
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