The Foreign Military Presence in the Horn of Africa region

Melvin, Neil, 2019
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Medienart Buch
Verfasser Melvin, Neil Wikipedia
Systematik Internet - Internet
Verlag SIPRI
Ort Stockholm
Jahr 2019
Umfang 32 p.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Reihe SIPRI Background Paper
Reihenvermerk April
Sprache deutsch
Verfasserangabe Neil Melvin

The Horn of Africa is undergoing far-reaching changes in its external security environment. A wide variety of international security actors—from Europe, the United States, the Middle East, the Gulf, and Asia—are currently operating in the region. As a result, the Horn of Africa has experienced a proliferation of foreign military bases and a build-up of naval forces. The external militarization of the Horn poses major questions for the future security and stability of the region.

This SIPRI Background Paper is the first of three papers devoted to the new external security politics of the Horn of Africa. The paper maps the growth of foreign military forces in and around the Horn over the past two decades. The other two papers in this series are ‘The new external security politics of the Horn of Africa region’ (SIPRI Insights on Peace and Security, April 2019) and ‘Managing the new external security politics of the Horn of Africa region’ (SIPRI Policy Brief, April 2019).

I. Introduction

II. Foreign military forces in the Horn of Africa region

III. Multilateral military missions in the Horn of Africa region

IV. Conclusions
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