Approaches to peace : a reader in peace studies

Approaches to peace, 2000
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Medienart Buch
ISBN 978-0-19-512386-9
Beteiligte Personen Barash, David P. [Ed.] Wikipedia
Systematik FS - Friedensstudien
Schlagworte peace, war, religion, peace movements, international relations, nonviolence
Verlag Oxford University Press
Ort Oxford [u.a.]
Jahr 2000
Umfang 271 p.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe ed. by David P. Barash
Exemplare Standort
37909 FS, 2149
Unselbstständige Werke Freud, Sigmund - Why war?
Lorenz, Konrad Z. - On aggression
Mead, Margaret - Warfare is only an invention - not a biological necessity
Sumner, William Graham - War and other essays
Tuchman, Barbara - The guns of August
Janis, Irving - Victims of groupthink
Howard, Michael - The causes of war
Galtung, Johan - A structural theory of imperialism
Boulding, Kenneth - National images and international systems
Glamorized nationalism: some examples in poetry
Klare, Michael T. - Redefining security: the new global schisms
James, William - The moral equivalent of war
Fisher, Roger - Getting to yes
Osgood, Charles - Disarmament demands GRIT
O'Brien, William V. - The conduct of just and limited war
Myrdal, Alva - The game of disarmament
Schell, Jonathan - The gift of time
Dumas, Lloyd J. - Finding the future: the role of economic conversion in shaping the twenty-first century
Barash, David P. - International law
Goulding, Marrack - The evolution of United Nations peacekeeping
Kant, Immanuel - Perpetual peace
Leopold, Aldo - The land ethic
Freire, Paulo - The pedagogy of the oppressed
King, Martin Luther, Jun. - Letter from a Birmingham jail
Barash, David P. - Human rights
An agenda for change
Thoreau, Henry David - Civil disobedience
Tolstoi, Lew Nikolajewitsch (Leo) - Letter to Ernest Howard Crosby
Millay, Edna St. Vincent - Conscientiousobjector
Camus, Albert - Neither victims nor executioners
Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand - Ahimsa, or the way of nonviolence
Sharp, Gene - Civilian resistance as a national defense
The Bhagavad Gita: Hindu
Nanh, Thich Nhat - Being peace
Tao De Ching: Taoist
The Old Testament: Jewish
The New Testament: Christian
Muste, A.J. - Holy disobedience
Merton, Thomas - A devout meditation in memory of Adolf Eichmann
Kennan, George F. - A Christian's view of the arms race
Young, Nigel - Peace movements in history
Boulding, Elise, 1920-2010 - Building utopias in history
Falk, Richard - On humane governance
Reardon, Betty A. - Sexism and the war system
Havel, Václav - The politics of responsibility
A few poetic visions
Krepon, Michael - Opening Pandora's Box
Dingli, Shen - China's defensive military strategy: the space question
Shixiu, Bao - Clearing up a misunderatanding
Pillsbury, Michael - The politics of protecting military space assets


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