Ten years after: achievements and challenges of the Euro-Mediterranean economic and financial partnership

Brach, Juliane, 2006
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Medienart Buch
Verfasser Brach, Juliane Wikipedia
Systematik Internet - Internet
Schlagworte european union - eu, economic integration, barcelona process, euro-mediterranean partnership, mena, socioeconomic development
Verlag German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA)
Ort Hamburg
Jahr 2006
Umfang 29 p.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Reihe GIGA Working Papers
Reihenvermerk 36
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe Juliane Brach
Annotation Abstract
EU and twelve countries of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) engaged in 1995 in the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (EMP) in political, economic and cultural matters with the aim to foster cooperation, stability, and prosperity around the Mediterranean Basin. The Economic and Financial Partnership (EFP) plays a central role in the EMP design and implementation, which is centered on economic and trade integration as a starting point for and an anchor of socioeconomic development in the MENA region. Against this
background, this paper reviews the situation in the MENA partner countries and the past performance of the EFP. It analyzes the association agreements, economic cooperation and financial assistance, discusses the major obstacles, and outlines the potential of the EFP to shape the European Neighborhood Policy.
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43124 Internet
Anhang URL: abgefragt am 26.04.2006


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