Europe's world 2010 / 16 : The only Europe-wide policy ; Balkans special

Europe's world 2010 / 16,
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Medienart Zeitschrift
ISBN 1782-0642
Systematik Dok - Dok
Verlag Friends of Europe
Ort Brussels
Umfang 160 p.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Exemplare Standort
55056 Dok
Unselbstständige Werke Merritt, Giles - Shaping Europe's global role1: Why the EU badly needs a new political narrative
Vike-Freiberga, Vaira - Shaping Europe's global role 2: The EU's political roots are its springboard for the future
Lukyanov, Fyodor - The global realitiy is that only "Greater Europe" will count
Jha, Prem Shankar - When emerging markets will define the new international order
Rasmussen, Anders Fogh - NATO's budding partnership with Russia has global implications
Rotfeld, Adam Daniel - Why NATO and Russia need each other
Binnendijk, Hans - How to blunt the impact on NATO of European defence cuts
Harris, Scott - Europe must cut deeper still to get defence value
Schäuble, Wolfgang - A plan to tacke Europe's debt mountain
Stark, Jürgen - Designing a new institutional architecture for the eurozone
Grant, Charles - The strategic consequences of the eurozone crisis
Rasmussen, Poul Nyrup - The European economy isn't dying, but it is being put to sleep
Hannay, David - Benchmarking the EU's new diplomatic service
Juppe, Alain - 'Yes' to Cancún, but 'No' to handicapping the world's poor
Larsson, Allan - It's the right carbon price that'll turn green promises into projects
Annan, Kofi A. - The MDG's 2015 deadline must not be postponed
Herfkens, Eveline - Saving he Millenium Development Goals means scrapping the CAP
Marthoz, Jean-Paul - The question marks over NGOs as media players
Asseburg, Muriel - What Europe must do to ensure a two-state deal
Munoz, Gema Martin - The West must open its eyes to the silent revolution among Arab women
Borrell, Josep - Yes the Barcelona Process was "mission impossible", but the EU can learn from that
Zohry, Ayman - The Arab countries' demographic mosaic that Europe must not ignore
Árabe, Casa - Rethinking the Euro-Arab area


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