Persistent Peacebuilders: Sustaining Commitment During Violent Conflict

Gawerc, Michelle I.,
Medienart Zeitschrift
Systematik Dok - Dok
Verlag Grassroots Publishing
Altersbeschränkung keine
Verfasserangabe Michelle I. Gawerc
Sprache englisch
Annotation While peacebuilding, in the context of a protracted conflict, is a long-term process (Lederach,1997; Jeong, 2005), there is a dearth of literature in the peace and conflict studies field
focusedon how peacebuilders and peace activists maintain commitment in such tumultuous environments. The organizational and social movement studies’literatures highlight various factors that can assist individuals to maintain persistence; buteven in the above mentioned literature, very little attention is given to what allows individuals to persevere
over a long-term period and in a high-risk environment Nepstad, 2004). This article addresses this gap by using longitudinal field research data and surveys of the major educational peacebuilding initiatives in Israel and Palestine,
between the years 2000 and 2010,to examine what allows peacebuilders and peace activists to carry on in a hostile, violent, and protracted conflict environment. Building on the
above mentioned literatures, I contend that organizations can take various actions to help foster commitment, but
perhaps the most critical factor that these organizations can
effect is to recognize that persistence is not simply an attribute of an individual, but also is socially structured, with one’s social location in the environment (e.g. what conflict group an individual belongs to) greatly shaping the reasons for one’s persistence.
of this concept
is fundamental for being able to devise organizational actions that successfully foster
commitment amongst peacebuilders across conflict lines.
Anhang URL:
Sammelwerk Dieses unselbstständige Werk ist Teil eines Sammelwerkes.
International Journal of Peace Studies 2015 / 01, 20. Jg. (Dok, Int)


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