After the EU Global Strategy – Consulting the experts : Security and defence

European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUI, 2016
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Medienart Buch
ISBN 978-92-9198-503-6
Systematik Internet - Internet
Verlag ISS
Ort Paris
Jahr 2016
Umfang 59 p.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS)
Annotation Following the publication of the EU Global Strategy on Foreign and Security Policy (EUGS) in June, attention has now turned to how the strategy can concretely be implemented. A Security and Defence Implementation Plan (SDIP) will focus on the EU’s ability – primarily through the CSDP – to respond to external conflicts and crises, build the capacities of partners affected by fragility and instability, and protect Europe. The task ahead is to define a shared level of ambition on security and defence and to identify actionable proposals for the future.

The EUISS organised a workshop dedicated to the SDIP in Brussels on 17 October, where leading experts and analysts shared their thoughts and ideas with key policymakers and the main drafters of the SDIP, including Nathalie Tocci, who was responsible for coordinating the Global Strategy. This volume presents a compilation of the memos that these experts drafted following the workshop, in which they outline their preferred level of ambition and priority areas
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