Returns diplomacy: levers and tools

Lisiecka, Julia, 2017
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Medienart Buch
Verfasser Lisiecka, Julia Wikipedia
Verfasser Parkes, Roderick Wikipedia
Systematik Internet - Internet
Verlag ISS
Ort Paris
Jahr 2017
Umfang 4 p.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Reihe Brief issue / ISS
Reihenvermerk 11
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe Julia Lisiecka ; Roderick Parkes
Annotation Over the past two years, 2.5 million first-time asylum seekers applied for protection in the EU. With the EU-wide asylum-recognition rate currently standing at 60%, hundreds of thousands of people will be required to return home again. The chances of them actually going back are slim: in 2016, 42% of asylum-seekers who received an instruction to leave stayed in Europe, amounting to at least 130,000 people. And even this paints too rosy a picture: the EU-wide success rate is dragged up by member states which receive large numbers of asylum claims from the Western Balkans – for the EU’s largest member state, Germany, this group constitutes around 90% of all successful returns.

The simple truth is that most EU member states, for a number of historical reasons, have no returns relationships with major African, Middle-Eastern and Asian source countries.
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