From political economy of the media to press freedom: obstacles to the implementation of peace journalism in Turkey

Filibeli, Erbaysal Tirse,
Medienart Zeitschrift
Systematik Dok - Dok
Verlag Regener
Altersbeschränkung keine
Verfasserangabe Erbaysal Tirse Filibeli ; Yasemin Giritli Inceoglu
Sprache englisch
Annotation In this article, we consider journalism as a nonviolent and creative approach to conflict transformation. Considering peace journalism from the viewpoint of news values analysis we try to understand the political and economical aspect of news media and its effects on the freedom of the media. Following a set of theoretical discussions and our findings based on 30 semi-structured interviews conducted with journalists from Turkey, an attempt is made to define and delineate the obstacles to the implementation of peace journalism. In light of the Turkish experience, we look to draw a road-map not only for Turkey, but also for other countries, which struggle with political, social, religious, race and gender-oriented problems, all of which may trigger and induce both conflict and violence.
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Conflict and Communication online 2018 / 01, 17. Jg. (Dok)


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