Globalization, violent conflict and self-determination

Globalization, violent conflict and self-determina, 2006
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Medienart Buch
ISBN 978-1-4039-8794-5
Beteiligte Personen Stewart, Frances Wikipedia
Beteiligte Personen Fitzgerald, Valpy Wikipedia
Beteiligte Personen Venugopal, Rajesh [Eds.] Wikipedia
Systematik EP - Entwicklungspolitik
Schlagworte armed conflict, violence, developing countries, international law, globalization, self-determination, political violence, poliitcs, self-determination, national
Verlag Palgrave Macmillan
Ort New York
Jahr 2006
Umfang IX, 270 p.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Reihe St. Antony's series
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe Valpy Fitzgerald ; Frances Stewart ; Rajesh Venugopal
Annotation Table of Contents

Globalization, Violent Conflict and Self-Determination
by Stewart, Frances (Editor); Venugopal, Rajesh (Editor); Fitzgerald, Valpy

Terms of Use
Preface p. vii
Notes on the Contributors p. viii
1 Introduction Valpy FitzGerald and Frances Stewart and Rajesh Venugopal p. 1
2 Global Economic Influences and Policies towards Violent Self-Determination Movements: An Overview Frances Stewart p. 20
3 Global-Local Cultural Links: Diaspora, Transnationalism, Solidarities and the Media Sandra Dudley and Cathie Lloyd p. 48
4 Global Financial Information, Compliance Incentives and Conflict Funding Valpy FitzGerald p. 72
5 Self-Determination in the Global Context Rajesh Venugopal p. 95
6 Why Congo Persists: Sovereignty, Globalization and the Violent Reproduction of a Weak State Pierre Englebert p. 119
7 Somalia: State Failure and Self-Determination in the Shadow of the Global Economy William Reno p. 147
8 Multiple Causes of Conflict in Algeria: National Identity, Inequality and Political Islam Cathie Lloyd p. 179
9 'External' Aspects of Self-Determination Movements in Burma Sandra Dudley p. 203
10 Sri Lanka: The Global Dimensions of Conflict Rajesh Venugopal p. 225
11 Conclusions Valpy FitzGerald and Frances Stewart and Rajesh Venugopal p. 247

book is a unique study of how global economic and cultural forces ignite violent conflict and shape self-determination movements.
Exemplare Standort
51729 EP, 1452


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