Civil-military relations in Thailand since the 2014 coup : The tragedy of security sector "deform"

Chambers, Paul, 2015
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Medienart Buch
ISBN 978-3-946459-04-0
Verfasser Chambers, Paul Wikipedia
Systematik Dok - Dok
Schlagworte thailand, armed forces, civil-military relations, political crisis, coup d'etat, 2014-
Verlag PRIF
Ort Frankfurt/Main
Jahr 2015
Umfang 45 p.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Reihe PRIF Report
Reihenvermerk 138
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe Paul Chambers
Annotation This report investigates to what extent Thailand has pursued and adopted security sector reforms (SSR) since its 2014 military coup. More specifically, the text's author 1) describes the warp and woof of the country’s security sector; the military's current role in governance and society; and the fate of SSR measures that have been attempted thus far; 2) explains why two key measures -- establishing the rule of law under elected civilian leaders and monitoring military institutions by civilian overseers – remain in limbo; and 3) concludes that institutionalized civilian control in Thailand will only be reestablished from within -- i.e., when 1) the current junta's image becomes increasingly tarnished; 2) traditional elite institutions no longer support military rule; and 3) the Thai people unite to prioritize SSR and deny military coup plotters the chance to ever usurp power again.
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5315 Dok
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