Mandated to Protect : Protection of civilians in peacekeeping operations

United Nations Institute for Training and Research,
Verfügbar Ja (1) Titel ist in dieser Bibliothek verfügbar
Exemplare gesamt 1
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Medienart DVD
Systematik V - Video/DVD
Schlagworte children, women, peacekeeping operations - pko, protection of civilians - poc
Verlag unitar
Ort Geneva
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Spieldauer 45 min.
Annotation Over the past 20 years Protection of Civilians has moved to the forefront on the Security Council resolutions under which United Nations Peacekeepers are deployed. But what exactly is meant by "protection of civilians"? How are peacekeepers meant to protect? What are the responsibilities of heads of mission and fore commanders? How are we to counter crimes against women and children which have become weapons of war? These and other questions are addressed in this program which features contributions from United Nations personnel, military, police and civilian peacekeepers, as well as reprensatives from international non-governmental orginaasations around the world with vast experience in the Protection of Civilians in the context of peacekeeping operations.
Exemplare Standort
30572 V, 298


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